agotado - no disponible Radio communications test set type 2955 combines all the measurement facilities required for testing mobile radio transceivers in the range up to 1000Mhz. It is a compact self-contained unit designed for bench or mobile use an can be considered as a combintion of eleven instruments as follows:
- RF counter
- AF counter
- RF signal Generator
- Modulation meter
- RF Power meter
- AF generator
- AF and DC voltmeter
- Distorsion meter
- S/N ( signal to noise ) and SINAD ( S/N and distorsion ) meter
- Tones decoder and encoder
- "Digital" oscilloscope
- Firmware 09. English language.
Manuals and service manuals available on the web.
* Refurnished unit.
*Thorough review and cleaning.
* New air filters.
* Checked and verified in laboratory by myself. I have 26 years experience in RF and microwave repair.
* Aesthetically very well.
* Photos are real.
* All autotest "Passed" of course.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Any questions do not hesitate to consult.
Good Luck!
Pasa ok todos los autotest ( ver foto )
. Bonito instrumento en muy buen estado tras una minuciosa reparación. EQUIPO TOTALMENTE GARANTIZADO Y REPASADO POR RAFAEL EA7HWX